PEAK TO PEAK – However you think of the new administration in Washington, there are changes taking place that will affect us. One thing is dramatically clear: there is little attention paid to Main Street in the new plans, and much power given to the billionaires who accompanied the new president on the inaugural platform Monday.
We here in the Peak to Peak are as “Main Street” as you can get. We’re not likely to be strongly affected directly by many of the new policies, but we will surely feel the effects of some of them. We already know, for example, that global warming is making wildfires more likely – as one of Monday’s Executive Orders takes the U.S. out of the Paris Accords – but we not only develop our regional wildfire protocols, we send some of our own firefighters to help with the tragic California fires.
Meanwhile, you will be hearing the voices of the powerful on mainstream and social media, and little about the day-to-day issues faced by people like us.
But not here.
The Mountain-Ear exists to present local voices and issues with honesty and clarity. We try to give our readers an unbiased view of what goes on here, in our Peak to Peak communities by covering all levels of local government, the schools, the social and charitable organizations, the observers of various aspects of our beautiful surroundings, and facilitators of our personal growth.
We support local businesses, and they support us.
We provide a forum for discussion of all issues, political, social, and personal; local, national, or universal.
You will not get that kind of information and support from mainstream media.
So now, when it’s more important than ever to know what is happening not just out there in the larger world, but right here in our own little corner of paradise, we ask you to continue to support The Mountain-Ear.
How? Here are some of the ways:
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As the Colorado Sun (another fine source of regional news) said recently, “in times like these, we all need trustworthy sources of news and information.” The Mountain-Ear is here for you in that capacity.
You need us, and we need you.
Contact Barbara Hardt at for more information.