Don’t fall for the same old tricks


Dear Editor,

There are regular strategies involved in being the party in the opposition. They are tried and true and have been seen in every election cycle for years. Let’s recognize them for what they are and see how they are in play in this election cycle for county commissioner.

First, when you are in opposition you do not have to have a vision for the future, just a list of complaints about the present. So you don’t have to do the work to come up with specific plans on what to do about issues the county is facing. Instead, rely on platitudes like “maintain a rural or a western way of life”. Another is “no new taxes”. The problem is without vision then the candidate has to rely on someone else’s vision, like another governmental body, on how to resolve the issue. Just take the million dollars even though the county can’t force other entities to comply with the intergovernmental agreement. Vision also relies on knowledge and foresight regarding all of the issues facing the county, not just one.

Second, misrepresent the facts. According to one candidate the cost of the food pantry has risen from the 1.3 million dollars as budgeted to 1.5 million and then 1.85 million with no changes made in the budget. Also this number does not reflect the $650,000 grant approved to help pay for the new annex. Another candidate refers to deficit spending in the budget that might lead someone to believe that the county is in debt. In fact, it is one of only three counties in the state that is not in debt. Deficit spending on capital improvements now will save money on repairs later that have been put off for years.

Third is projection, or say the other side is guilty of what the opposition side is doing. Push that there is a lack of transparency while holding separate meetings with Black Hawk that other commissioners aren’t invited to. Complain about not being on vital community projects that an open invitation is given to attend and participate. Complain that information is not shared when reports have all been shared. Vote against a budget when three months of work sessions were held on the budget and no input given. “I voted against something” is a poor substitute for I worked for something that was important to me and reached a compromise that benefits all. One is politics, the other is good governance.

Then just lie. Sandy Hollingsworth has never said she believes that gaming is a net negative for the county.

When it comes to voting for the Gilpin County Commissioner, don’t fall for the same old tricks. Vote for the candidate that will explain how the process is working and listen to your concerns. Vote for Sandy Hollingsworth. While you are at it, vote for the straight shooter that will fight for your interests, Jeff Aiken. They represent good government, not politics as usual.

Greg Petty

Black Hawk