PEAK TO PEAK - The Winter Solstice on the 21st of December leads us into one of the four great turning points of the zodiac. The deepest darkest nights of the year are upon us. The solstice, with its sunset flowing through Stonehenge, marks the...
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PEAK TO PEAK - The Winter Solstice on the 21st of December leads us into one of the four great turning points of the zodiac. The deepest darkest nights of the year are upon us. The solstice, with its sunset flowing through Stonehenge, marks the return of light to the northern hemisphere. The major religions of the world celebrate.
In astrology, Capricorn guides us through this gateway. The hoofed and horned sign is standing on a peak holding the capricornucopia, the horn of plenty, the symbol of the fulfillment of all of our wishes, the ultimate holiday present. He gives us climbing instructions as we plan the peaks that we will summit in 2025.
Aries - Powerful planets move into positions that will favor Aries in 2025. The Winter Solstice is a fine time to start envisioning the future that you decide you want to manifest in the year ahead. Remember to have a jolly good time over the holidays with all of your friends and loved ones.
Taurus - Capricorn, one of your fellow earth signs, brings us to the darkest night of the year. As every tradition reminds us, this is also the beginning of the return of light. Your practical side is emphasized in the earthy month ahead, as you prove that you know how to get the job done.
Gemini - Fleet of foot Mercury, your guide, has just finished a retrograde cycle in wise Sagittarius, so you are intellectually stimulated. Take some of this brain power and get the jump on your end of year financial picture, both for taxes and as part of your planning for 2025.
Cancer - The Winter Solstice is heralded by your opposite sign of partnership, Capricorn. Prepare to be active, attractive and in demand. This is a one month preview for you of the year ahead, now that you have finished a long learning phase. Now you advance to romance and adventure.
Leo - The trend in the zodiac for 2025 is emphasis on individuality. At the Solstice the Sun enters Capricorn, the sign of the resolute mountain climber. Take some time out of your festive holiday season to start to develop your climbing plan for the year ahead, choosing peaks to summit.
Virgo - Pragmatic Capricorn ushers in the darkest nights of the year, and your fellow earth sign gives you a practical boost as you organize the world around you. Saturn, in his role of the teacher, continues in your opposite sign, reminding you to develop firm boundaries with others.
Libra - Love and light and a luxurious sense of being buoy you into the holiday season. Certain long term astrological blocks have moved away from your life and you have advanced forward. You are the gracious host preparing to not only bring joy to others but to yourself as well.
Scorpio - The dazzling journey of your guide who has been in hard-working Capricorn since 2007 into Aquarius has transpired. This is akin to moving from a particle world into a universe of waves. Picture what you want in the year ahead and then draw this reality towards you.
Sagittarius - New Year's resolutions are at the drawing board, under the astute hand of practical Capricorn. In addition to all of this practicality, whenever the mountain goat moves away, you sneak in and add romance and adventure and the spice of life to the accumulated list for 2025.
Capricorn - Happy Birthday and Merry Winter Solstice to you! You have graduated from Pluto's school of immaculate training, which you entered in 2007. The god of the underworld has deemed that you are now a flawless diamond, leading to celebration in the season ahead.
Aquarius - The end of the calendar year approaches and with it the end of your astrological cycle. In the month before your birthday, you have the opportunity to finish up life events prior to the start of both. Therefore your assignment is to both prepare for the new and celebrate with friends.
Pisces - Pisces is intuitive and now becomes visionary as the darkest night of the year provides you with inner light. You find that you have visions both for the future of the planet and for your own way ahead in 2025. Both celebrate and prepare for the new year in the month ahead.
Karen Anderson is available for readings at 303-258-7258.