


The Garden of Earthly Delights opens its gate as the Sun enters Taurus on the 19th of April. We have been astounded and healed by the total solar eclipse. We have looked backward and rearranged our lives with Mercury retrograde. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, bringing awareness to the protection of our blue-green planet.

The full moon in Scorpio on April 23 is asking us what we want for ourselves and what we want from other people in the merry month of May. On May Day the goddess holiday of Beltaine dances around the Maypole. This dance leads us into the garden with the new moon in artistic Taurus on May the sixth, with its refreshing perspective.

Aries - The total solar eclipse was in Aries, allowing you to be astounded by this syzygy of shadows across the Sun. The presence of Chiron brought healing to you, as you realized that you are just perfect in your individuality. Now Taurus introduces the celebrations of the earth.

Taurus - Happy Birthday to you, as you introduce all of the celebrations inherent in the merry month of May. Your guide is the goddess Venus, the one who brings in love, creativity, and money. Venus leads the maypole dance and welcomes the ancient holiday of Beltaine.

Gemini - The startling total solar eclipse in Aries also involved your guide, retrograde Mercury. The messenger of the gods reversed on April Fool’s Day, April first, no foolin’. He moves ahead on April 25, allowing you to join in the festivities inherent in the fertile month of May.

Cancer - Taurus, now in the center of the stars, no sooner enters her sign on the 19th then when she asks your ruler, the moon, to be present for the sensual full moon in Scorpio. The event asks all of us what we want to have in our lives during the spring and summer, so start planning.

Leo - You were inspired during the solar eclipse, which allowed you to realize that your uniqueness is one of your gifts. That prepared you to move forward. Now the Sun has moved into Taurus, and you find yourself in a busy phase that places you in the public eye.

Virgo - Taurus, an earth sign like you, is now sending out party invitations for all of the events to occur over the month ahead. You will be involved in home improvement projects as well as celebrations. The gateway to the month of May appears, bringing flowers to your future.

Libra - The total solar eclipse that has enthralled the nation was in your opposite sign of partnerships, Aries. This has continued to activate involvement for you with relatives and friends. Financial matters are of extreme interest for you over the month that stretches ahead.

Scorpio - Taurus brings in celebrations. Your opposite sign of partnerships, Taurus, arrives on April 19th, followed by Earth Day on the 22nd, and then the most dramatic full moon of the year in your sign on the 23rd. This sensual full moon demands that you know exactly what you want.

Sagittarius - Taurus and May Day bring in earthly power. Your guide spiritual Jupiter, and visionary Uranus, both in Taurus, join forces for the first time in 14 years. They direct the celebrations of May. These two are advocating for evolution on the planet and inspiring you.

Capricorn - Life starts to become lighthearted for Capricorn again, with the Sun moving into your fellow earth sign, creative Taurus. Dancing under the Maypole at Beltaine and planting seeds into the earth allows you to rejoice in your life on this great blue-green planet once again.

Aquarius - The eclipse has activated the country, foreshadowing an active year ahead for the nation. Your astrological guide is revolutionary Uranus, currently conjoined with spiritual Jupiter, both in earthy Taurus. You are considering major changes in regards to your home.

Pisces - The Sun has moved into the sign of the earthly garden, Taurus. Saturn continues in your sign, asking that you review your life and the direction in which you are going. Physical stamina is with you, stemming from active Mars, also in Pisces. Enjoy the awakening of the earth.

Karen Anderson is available for readings at 303-258-7258.