Mountain Spirit Astrology: Virgo

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The serene sign of Virgo calms all of the creatures of the zodiac. Leo represented the lion heart of summer and adventures with children. Now Virgo calls the children to the halls of education, proclaiming a place for everyone and everyone in their place. Mercury started his retrograde in Virgo on August 4, allowing us to bring order to our past. The messenger moves our lives forward on the 28th.

The new moon occurs on the second on Labor Day as we start the harvest from our labors. The Harvest Moon on September 17 is a Super Moon and a lunar eclipse, with the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces. Virgo enjoins us to apply discernment to what we do, as we prune our lives after the harvest. Pisces brings the element of joy into our lives.

Aries - Harvest season gives you perspective on all that you have accomplished over the summer. Your ruler Mars is in hyperactive Gemini, so you are everywhere doing everything at once. Remember to keep an eye on exercise, health and diet as you race through your busy life.

Taurus - Both the Sun and your guide Venus are in Virgo and they are leading you into the garden of earthly delights. Mercury, the symbol of the mind, moves forward at the beginning of September, with creativity flowing profusely into both your art projects and your life.

Gemini - Mercury the messenger of the gods started reversing on the fourth of August in exacting Virgo. He continued backward into adventurous Leo. You and your guide zoom ahead on the 28th. In October the Harvest Moon will shine on your accomplishments from the summer.

Cancer - The Moon Children feel a harmony with the lunation cycles ahead. Your ruler, la luna, hosts the new moon in Virgo on Labor Day Monday, starting the theme of harvest. The famous Harvest Moon, lauded in song and poetry, shines on your friends and family on September 17.

Leo - Leo, the big-hearted lion, led the royal court in celebrating the heart of summer. Now you hand the crown to gentle Virgo, who proclaims order throughout the land. Mercury had reversed into your sign over August, and you backtracked in order to pounce ahead in September.

Virgo - Happy Birthday! Artistic Venus joins the Sun in your sign, presaging a creative year ahead. Mercury, the symbol of the thought process, reversed in your sign in August, as you decided what you what to keep and what to prune, approaching your big Harvest Moon

Libra - Virgo, the sign who precedes you, is now in the center of the stars. Mercury has been retrograding in August, working well with your avowed task of reviewing your past year. Harvests are featured now as you plan what you want to keep or give away in the year ahead.

Scorpio - Clear rational Virgo allows you to have ideas about what you want to do in your future. First, you need to have harvest celebrations! You have negotiated challenges at certain points in your life. Now you find that you are moving into delight as you walk through the garden of life.

Sagittarius - Sagittarius is the popular sign this harvest season. Your work has the opportunity to blossom with clients clamoring for you. Partners have plans for parties and social events. Virgo is asking that you bring your home into order but first the full moon wants to deliver joy.

Capricorn - Virgo brings in the harvest season. Mercury, the symbol of the neural network of our prefrontal cortex, has been reversing, and you have been backtracking and attempting to bring everything in order. The Harvest Super Moon eclipse on September 17 will be your ally.

Aquarius - The Labor Day new moon in fastidious Virgo alerts you to your ongoing process of bringing the corners of your life and work place into order. The giant Harvest Moon lighting up the sky on September 17 will reveal the insights that you need for the next few months.

Pisces - The annual full moon in Pisces is spectacular this year. Labor Day is the precise new moon in your opposite sign of partnership, Virgo. On September the 17th your Harvest Moon is a Super Moon as well as an eclipse, changing your life with its infusion of knowledge and joy.

Karen Anderson is available for readings at 303-258-7258.