The Sun in Aquarius is the visionary who assists us in designing our future. This sign is the new power in the stars, because Pluto has entered Aquarius for a 20 year stay. In order to understand the bearer of electrical energy better, let us...
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The Sun in Aquarius is the visionary who assists us in designing our future. This sign is the new power in the stars, because Pluto has entered Aquarius for a 20 year stay. In order to understand the bearer of electrical energy better, let us examine its bifurcation. When Saturn is the guide, technology bounds forward. When Uranus leads, humanitarianism follows.
The Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake occurs on the Aquarian new moon on January 29. The earnest Wood Snake brings growth, renewal and wisdom. The Celtic Sabbat of initiations, Imbolc, welcomes the returning light on February 2.
Aries - Aquarius and Aries are allies with big plans for you in 2025. Now that Pluto is reinforcing Aquarius, you are extremely efficacious. Over the last so many years, you have had many plans, and now you have the decisive drive to bring them into manifestation over the course of 2025.
Taurus - The Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake is a propitious omen for you. When this lunar calendar is compared to the Zodiac, the snake and Taurus are considered to be analogs. Therefore, it is said that the year ahead will bring you stability, growth and enhanced creativity.
Gemini - Jupiter of good fortune continues in Gemini until June. Therefore, this is considered a fine time for launching ventures. Pluto has changed signs for the first time since 2008, entering your fellow air sign of Aquarius for 20 years. Expect a favorable, intelligent month ahead.
Cancer - Innovative Aquarius is now in the center of the stars, combining with action-oriented Mars, now reversing in your sign. This translates into creative ideas in regards to your finances, especially of value as we enter the end of last year reviews and preparation for the tax season.
Leo - Aquarius is your opposite sign of partnerships. Powerful Pluto is now activating Aquarius, so expect the theme of not only being attractive and in demand over the month and years ahead, but also forging and renewing relationships that bring you the results and agency that you want.
Virgo - A complex month unfolds for meticulous Virgo. Saturn, the teacher, continues in your opposite sign, Pisces, showing you the need for clean relationships with others, and clear boundaries. Unexpected opportunities and jousting for power also appear on the horizon.
Libra - The dawning of the sign of Aquarius this year also foreshadows the start of the Age of Aquarius with Pluto entering this sign for twenty years. This allows you to begin to achieve a goal that has been elusive for you thus far, and that is the perfection of partnerships.
Scorpio - Powerful Aquarian energy is flowing into the depth of your soul with big change for your ruling planet. Since 2008 transformative Pluto has been in career oriented Capricorn, and now has moved into innovative Aquarius, the futuristic sign, for the next twenty years.
Sagittarius - Sagittarius is the think tank of the zodiac and Aquarius is the hands-on activist. The emphasis is now on Aquarius, the bearer of electric energy, not only for the month ahead, but for the next 20 years. The archer is now aiming for the future of your life and the entire planet.
Capricorn - Pluto, the great transformer and guide for birth, death and rebirth, visited you from 2008 until the very end of 2024. During this deep dive into the depths of your psyche, he was purifying you and preparing you for this time. Now you can manifest the future that you want.
Aquarius - The powerful god of the underworld Pluto now enters your sign for twenty years. All things Aquarian now hold the keys to the future of both technology and humanitarianism. You are now the personification of power in the Zodiac, opening the repository of all knowledge.
Pisces - The teacher of the zodiac, Saturn, continues in your sign throughout 2025. You are in the schoolhouse of the stars, clearing past issues. At times this brings you familial and societal responsibilities. Employ your vast intuitive gifts together with logical solutions for fine results.
Karen Anderson is available for readings at 303-258-7258.