
Effervescent Gemini is at the center of the stars. On May 25 lucky Jupiter enlivens Gemini for one year. Neuroplasticity is at the center of thought waves as the mind and brain become enlivened. On May 23 the full moon in Sagittarius inspires education and writing and celebrates friendships. The new moon on June 6 designs the summer we want.

The guide for Gemini is Mercury the messenger, now in the artistic and creative sign of Taurus. Make your life an art project. The destiny of the heavens is in Aries, proclaiming that your unique individuality is ideal for you. Saturn in Pisces enjoins us to release old patterns from our past.

Aries- Gemini is the sign in charge of the brain-mind continuum. The direction of destiny in the heavens rests with you, Aries. You know that you are perfect just the way that you are, and you are showing this to everyone. Active Mars in Aries inspires sports and exercise in your life.

Taurus- The Sun and Jupiter and Venus are all saying goodbye to you as they move from your artistic sign into lively Gemini. Take all of the creative impulses that have been experiencing over the past month and show them to the world, under the direction of the active twins.

Gemini- Happy Birthday, Gemini! The Sun is your sign shining on you. The big astrological news is that fortunate Jupiter, who spends one year in each sign, is now inspiring you. This is the year to bring all of your greatest dreams into manifestation, placing your unique stamp on life.

Cancer- Over the year ahead, Gemini is leading all the signs into new intellectual territory. You will begin to be able to integrate your left and right brain hemispheres. As an intuitive sign you are familiar with the left brain and now Gemini introduces ideas to the right, words to music.

Leo- Career and all of the activities that you do in the outside world are enlivened for you over the month ahead due to the fortuitous combination of lively Mercury and the symbol of intuitive guidance Uranus, joining forces in the heavens, allowing you to think outside of the box.

Virgo- Mercury the messenger, your guide, is showing off in the month ahead, demonstrating ideas like a gymnastics routine. This is fortunate for you, because you need to address certain parts of your life and put them in order, which you will do as this is one of your specialties.

Libra- You are dancing out of certain long term responsibilities, which you had shouldered for years. The heavens are shifting in their planetary patterns and for Libra this is fortunate. Now life is starting to become lighter for you. Enjoy the season ahead, scheduling time just for you.

Scorpio- Athena the goddess of wisdom is visiting your sign, allowing you to conjoin knowledge with mysticism. The earth has wildflowers arising and you have gratitude blooming for all that you have experienced and learned. Enlightening experiences with friends are ahead for you.

Sagittarius- The month ahead is a major one for you. First of all, the Sun is in your opposite sign of Gemini, making you active, attractive and in demand. Secondly, your guiding planet, Jupiter, is moving from creative, real estate oriented Taurus into social, intellectual, literate Gemini.

Capricorn- The Sun is moving into Gemini, traditionally starting a career oriented, hardworking month ahead for you. Lingering planets in Taurus are echoing a romantic theme as well. However, overall, you see the tasks that need to be done and you go out and get them done.

Aquarius- Aquarius is gathering power. The strongest planet of all, Pluto, has entered your sign for a twenty year stay. This means that you are starting to know that if you want something in life you can manifest it. With the Sun in Gemini, your thoughts are migrating to romance.

Pisces- The planet of responsibility, the schoolteacher Saturn, continues in your sign until next year. This serious planet also brings rewards for hard work that you have done since his last sojourn in your sign 29 years ago. Clever ideas abound for you around the house and garden.

Karen Anderson is available for readings at 303-285-7258.