Election watch: The big picture


Peak to Peak - The big one. And yes, we know it’s probably the most important election of the century (so far). Whichever side you are on, you are undoubtedly convinced that the other side is ruining the country and only your party has the solution to a better life and a better U.S.

What if you are one of the few people left who are still undecided? On what will you make your choice? Please don’t say that you might just not vote. In 2020, out of about 240 million eligible voters, only about 158 million voted.

In other words, not voting is a vote for letting others make the decision for you. 82 million people just let others decide their fate for them.

Over 2,500 years ago, Plato wrote “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Of course, that was the same society that killed Socrates for being a wiseass. And a lover of young men.

And both of those qualities are being challenged in this year’s presidential election. One side is critical of the other’s ability to have a sense of humor. And that same side is suspected of having plans to roll back protections for America’s LGBTQ+ community.

At the same time, each side accuses the other of violence: one side accuses the other of murdering babies, while the other claims that it is the mothers of those fetuses who are dying because of new restrictions.

Right now, the U.S. is supporting two small, new but ancient countries fighting for their lives against much larger and more powerful enemies. One of our parties is all for helping one of these while abandoning the other to subjugation by its powerful neighbor. The other is helping both underdogs as they fight for their lives.

There are many other ways in which our two major political parties differ – this has been but a taste – and unless you are living off the grid (and yes, I know that’s possible up here, and possibly even desirable right now), you are hearing these arguments over and over again from our mainstream media. Either way, you must see that we are at a turning point in the life of our country. Will you vote to affect the direction in which we turn? Or let others choose for you?

Election 2024