

The Weekly-Register Call (WRC) recently published an editorial containing multiple demonstrably incorrect legal assertions. The editorial confuses separate, unrelated statutes, and was written by a person not licensed to practice law in Colorado if they are licensed at all, which appears unlikely.

To set the record straight, section 24-70-101(4), C.R.S. provides, “Published” means a newspaper maintains an office in the county to gather news, sell advertising, or conduct the general business of newspaper publications. (emphasis added). The statute does not limit a paper to having only one office in only one county, which would be absurd because newspapers often maintain an office in more than one county. Because The Mountain-Ear maintains offices in Gilpin County and Boulder County, it is “published” in both counties under Colorado law.

The Mountain-Ear understands that the WRC may be disappointed that the Gilpin County Commissioners chose The Mountain-Ear to be the Gilpin County Newspaper of Record last year. The Mountain-Ear was honored to have been selected and plans to apply to the Gilpin County Commissioners this year. The Mountain-Ear trusts the Commissioners to make the decision they believe is in the best interests of Gilpin  County and its residents.