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Comp Plan deliberation delays project progress

Posted 1/29/25

The Town of Nederland’s Comprehensive Plan update is nearly complete, with the third draft presented to the Planning Commission during their first meeting of the new year, on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Several other plans and initiatives by...

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Comp Plan deliberation delays project progress


NEDERLAND - The Town of Nederland’s Comprehensive Plan update is nearly complete, with the third draft presented to the Planning Commission during their first meeting of the new year on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Several other plans and initiatives by Nederland’s other advisory boards are contingent on the completion of the Comprehensive Plan.

The Commission first appointed the Chair and Vice Chair positions for 2025. Previous Chair Steve Williams stated in a formal letter that he would not be running for the position again. He nominated previous Vice Chair Jim Reis for the position, who in turn nominated Williams for the Vice Chair position.  

These nominations were confirmed in a unanimous vote.

Community Planner Britt DeMinck introduced Ayden Eickhoff from the hired firm SE Group, and together they led Commissioners through a discussion on the draft and cultivated their input for the final leg of the project. 

Reis asked for a copy of the presentation SE Group made available to the public during a previous outreach session, as Reis felt it was an accessible and effective resource. He also expressed that a physical version of the Comprehensive Plan needs to be considered, and stated that he experienced difficulties when attempting to print the document.  

Commissioner Roger Cornell stated his belief that the Comprehensive Plan should clarify which properties are currently Town assets and which properties have yet to be officially designated as such through an annexation process or other agreements.

Cornell also wished for more language in the Comprehensive Plan clarifying that the plan itself and the map of potential and suggested developments are just a “road map for the future.”

Town Administrator Jonathan Cain stated that, though the plan is not a regulatory document, the language pertaining to the recommended actions in the plan needs to be proactive from a legal perspective, in order for those potential actions to gain traction. 

Confirming Cornell’s concern, Reis spoke to the potential that residents might feel that their interests and input are not represented in the Comprehensive Plan in the future, when these recommended actions are eventually brought before the Commission and Board of Trustees (BOT). 

Cornell expressed that he believes there needs to be distinction between the Comprehensive Plan’s recommended land use map and the Town of Nederland’s official zoning map. 

Eickhoff noted that having the recommending land use map closely mirror the Town’s current zoning map is intentional, since for any recommendation to be seriously considered it needs to be mostly compliant with current regulations. 

It was also stated that clarifying language regarding the map can be drafted, and that language pertaining to the open spaces that Town is considering for possible future development can be discussed with Town staff.

Cain suggested a passage that mentions the Town’s intentions: that they are “researching” or “investigating” these possibilities, not targeting properties for development. 

The Town was initially hoping to bring a final draft to the Board of Trustees for their meeting on February 4, 2025, with DeMinck asking if the Commission would consider voting to move the matter to action and approving the Comprehensive Plan draft, with the recent suggestions for changes incorporated. 

Commissioners were in agreement in wanting one more meeting in order to hold a public hearing, with a last round of public comment, on the final draft.

Town Attorney Jennifer Madsen agreed and noted that the Commission is the governing body responsible for the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore the BOT will be giving final approval on a Resolution drafted by the Commission, officially adopting the plan.  

Reis questioned why the Town was aiming to have the draft sent to the Board for approval so quickly. Cain answered that there were a lot of plans and projects on hold or seriously delayed as a result of the delay in completion of the Comprehensive Plan. This includes the BOT’s Strategic Planning. 

The Nederland Planning Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month. Their next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 7 p.m. Meetings can be attended online via WebEx. 

For more information: https://townofnederland.colorado.gov/planning-commission.