Candidate Jeff Aiken

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Jeff Aiken

Central City

How long, and where have you lived in Gilpin County? I have lived in Gilpin County for 46 years. 9 years in Russell Gulch and 35 years in Central City.

What schools have you attended? I attended Montgomery County Community College, majoring in Political Science, after graduating High School.

Briefly describe your current career and home life. List the Gilpin County boards, civic, or volunteer activities in which you have been involved and the dates of service. I have been a stonemason in Central City running my own business for thirty years.

I live alone with my dog. I have two daughters ages 35 and 31. Parents, two brothers and ex-wife deceased.

Currently working in the gaming industry. I have also been on the Central City Council for the past nine years. Gilpin County Detention Center for the last fifteen years providing drug and alcohol counseling to the inmates.

Have you attended BoCC meetings? I have attended BOCC meetings in the past.

How would you support the County staff? Do you think they are fairly compensated? I have always supported the staff in Central City and will continue to support them. I believe the county employees need to be fairly compensated and will look into their pay and compensation package if I am elected.

As an elected official, what would be your top 3 goals for the county in the next year? Next four years? My three goals will be to 1) To strongly support the Gilpin County Community Center to ensure it is on a sound economic basis for years to come. 2) Childcare needs to be provided for every family who needs it. 3) Affordable housing for the workforce and seniors in the county.

How do you view coalition or compromise as effective ways to govern? Being able to compromise is an essential ingredient to govern. Building a consensus and finding the best solutions for the problems at hand with the other commissioners and staff is the best way to meet the needs of the entire community.

What do you see as the greatest issues facing Gilpin County? How would you begin to address them? Aside from the three mentioned above we need to plan for fire mitigation, fund the food pantry after school care and the fire and rescue and maintaining a healthy environment, we need to be creative in finding ways to fund these by getting as much grant money as possible.

How would you encourage residents to get involved in their government? Keeping residents informed county by meeting and talking to them being in person, having great accessibility.

Why do you want to hold the office for which you are running? I said earlier that a dream job comes along once or twice and this would be that job. To be able to work full time serving the residents in finding ways to enhance their lives.

Have you run for / held political office before? Where? When? I have served on the sanitation district for 20 years and Central City Council the last of nine years.

Will you be able to meet the time requirements of the office? Do you, or will you, have another job as well as that of Commissioner? If elected I plan to spend all of my time doing the job of commissioner and will not have any other job but to serve the people of this county.

How have you, and/or how will you, operate with transparency and honesty in your role as County Commissioner? I believe in being open, transparent and ethical and will answer any questions that are put to me honestly.

Please disclose any current personal and/or professional relationships with the City of Black Hawk, City of Central or Gilpin County. Currently on central city council and my meetings in the jail.

What is your position on the idea of sexually oriented businesses coming to Central City? Two years ago I ran for mayor of Central and part of my platform was no strip clubs on Main Street. I still hold that position.

What is your position on Black Hawk’s offer of $1 million for the Rec Center with all its restrictions? I like the money but not the current structure of the deal and don’t think the county should be handcuffed by one municipality.

What experience do you have with budgets? I have experience in passing budgets on the sanitation district and Central City.

What kind of growth do you want to see in Gilpin County? Would like to see small business growth where practical while welcoming larger possible growth along the parkway.

What is affordable housing? Senior housing? What steps will you take to implement them in Gilpin County? Housing has always been on our ‘honey do’ list. Central City seems to be the only solution as Black Hawk, which has created the biggest need for housing but has always refused to address this issue. That leaves the county and Central city to solve this problem. Senior housing should be first as a good majority of casino workers do not want to live up here. Starting out with ten units should be the place to start but will require creative planning, Affordable housing means should be able to live in a space and not have to use a large percentage of their income for rent and utilities.

How would you promote economic diversity in the county? Having lived here as long as I have seen a lot of economic diversity the last five years, We have a quarry in Central, Black Hawk has some nice shops and an amazing trail system. Rollinsville has great things going on. Of course the arts, the opera and our museum are great. I think our county with its history and beauty promote itself.