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Black Hawk Council approves Comprehensive Plan

Posted 1/15/25

Black Hawk approves comprehensive plan

John Scarffe

Black Hawk

The Black Hawk City Council approved a comprehensive plan and a three-mile plan during a regular meeting on January 8, 2025, at 211 Church Street in Black Hawk. The Council...

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Black Hawk Council approves Comprehensive Plan


BLACK HAWK - The Black Hawk City Council approved a comprehensive plan and a three-mile plan during a regular meeting on January 8, 2025. The Council also postponed a presentation for ongoing work on the Bobtail mine until the January 22 meeting.

Vincent Harris with Baseline Corporation introduced a resolution adopting the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Black Hawk, dated December 11, 2024. The item was continued from the December 11 meeting.

Harris said the plan took a lot of work, and he thanked everyone involved. The plan was last updated in 2020. It includes the future plans for development in the City. The Historic Preservation Commission has approved the plan.

According to its introduction, “This Plan intends to assist the City Council, City Staff, residents, property owners, and developers when making decisions that support the City’s goal of becoming Colorado’s premier gaming-centric resort destination.

“All development is consistent with sustainable economic growth committed to creating a mixed-use development that combines various tourism amenities and facilities while maintaining a high quality of life for residents and enhancing visitors’ experiences in the City of Black Hawk.

“The Plan envisions future development consistent with its ten distinct land-use categories and seven citywide goals. The Plan envisions the future growth and development of the City through 2035.

“The Comprehensive Plan, also known as the Master Plan, was created and adopted by the City of Black Hawk consistent with Colorado Revised Statutes to guide land use and development principles for the City.

“A Comprehensive Plan is merely advisory and does not affect the legally protected interests of property owners.

“The Primary Goal 1 is to transition from a local primarily gaming area to a regional resort and gaming destination The City aspires to establish and promote its entertainment district, adult beverage district, and interactive outdoor spaces.

“These districts are designed to be pedestrian-friendly spaces along historic Gregory Street and Gregory Hill. The areas create future opportunities for common consumption areas supporting social interaction for visitors enjoying leisure and active lifestyles. The future adult beverage district could include a brewery, distillery, or winery.

Primary Goal 2 - Promote heritage tourism. Revitalizing the visitor experience with authentic culture and local history creates a unique experience not found in other gaming communities. Heritage tourism will appeal to tourists with interests outside of gaming, providing interpretive educational experiences at historic properties will expand a visitor population who seeks cultural learning.

Primary Goal 3 - Encourage diversified commercial development that complements gaming. New commercial and adult beverage developments will complement gaming, which is the primary economic engine for the City. New uses include retail, service, food, beverage, and entertainment options, serving residents and guests.

Primary Goal 4 - Limit residential development to infill lots in historic residential neighborhoods. Much of the historic preservation efforts in Black Hawk focus on restoring and maintaining historic residential homes and non-residential structures, as well as the City’s infrastructure. The City limits new residential development to infill lots in the Historic Residential District promoting our cohesive residential community, thereby sustaining the historic architecture within these neighborhoods.

Primary Goal 5 - Expand hotel capacity. The City seeks to increase hotel rooms to 3,000 by 2030 and 6,000 by 2050.

Primary Goal 6 - Strengthen outdoor recreational opportunities. The existing and proposed trail systems will increase visitor opportunities to experience the City’s beautiful, natural, mountainous surroundings.

Primary Goal 7 - Expand public transportation. The current shuttle service in Black Hawk makes it easy for people to move from one casino to another. Future service will expand to provide access to the Hidden Treasure Trailhead, Artisans’ Point, and other sites within the City.”

The Plan divides the City into ten areas, each with specific goals: Gaming District, Transitional Gold District. HARD District, Gregory Hill district up Miner’s Road, Silver Gulch Commercial District, Historic Residential District. Maryland Mountain, Bates Hill Recreation Park Trail, Black Hawk Gregory Hill, and Natural Open Lands.

Harris recommended approval of the plan. Harris also requested approval of the City’s Three-Mile Plan for future growth.

The City is required to have in place a three-mile plan for purposes of considering an annexation proposal. This resolution adopts the newly adopted 2024 Comprehensive Plan as the City’s Three-Mile Plan.

The Council approved the Comprehensive Plan and Three-Mile Plan.

Fire Chief Wooley introduced an ordinance Approving the Agreement and License to Enter Upon Land For: Prescribed Burn Services, Fuels Reduction/Mitigation, Training and Other Activities as Described Between the City of Black Hawk and the State of Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Prevention and Control.

Wooley said this agreement is with the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention Control and is for wildfire reduction on Maryland Mountain involving tree cutting and some training and experience for firemen.

Staff requested the approval of the agreement between the City of Black Hawk and the Colorado Division of Fire Preventions and Control (CDFPC) for assistance with wildfire fuels reduction and forest management activities. This approval will be contingent upon receiving signatures of approval from State of Colorado officials.

This agreement authorizes and allows the CDFPC to enter and work on City-owned property to assist fire department personnel with activities aimed at mitigating the risk of wildfire and improving forest health as outlined in the City of Black Hawk Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

Activities may include forest thinning, removing Mountain Pine Beetle-infested trees, prescribed fire planning and implementation, and wildland fire training.

The Council approved the ordinance.

City Manager Stephen Cole introduced a resolution approving the First Amendment to Amended and Restated Agreement Regarding Variance from City of Black Hawk Public Works Department Water Standards and Specifications.

MG 1031 LLC (Maverick Gaming) entered into an agreement with the City to remove an abandoned water line at the Gold Mine structure when the structure was demolished.

They entered into a subsequent agreement whereby they had three years to remove the line after the demolition. Maverick failed to remove the line by the deadline, and agreed to an amendment that does not require them to remove the abandoned line unless new construction is initiated or there is a leak in the line.

Maverick agrees to pay for any emergency repairs made by the City and agrees to remove any remaining line within 90 days of the City’s repair. The Council approved the resolution.

The next meeting of the City of Black Hawk City Council will be on January 22 at 3 p.m. at 211 Church Street. For more information, go to https://www.cityofblackhawk.org/.